Egyéb sportok

Nem bízom az izlandiakban és amit Bjornsson csinál az baromság – vélekedik Eddie Hall

Eddie Hall elnézést kért korábbi kijelentésért. Cikkünk alján frissítést talál.

A felhúzás világrekordja Eddie Hall nevéhez fűzödik, aki 500 kg-ot mozgatott meg 2016. július 9-én Leeds-ben.

Eddie Hall deadlift 500kg (1102.31lbs)

The first man in history to lift 500kg. Eddie Hall smashes previous world record of 465kg that he set earlier that night at the World Deadlift Championships….


Most a Trónok harca című sorozatból ismert Hafthor Bjornsson próbálja megdönteni ezt a rekordot. Május 2-án 501 kg-os súlyt pakoltat majd  rúdra.

A koronavírus-járvány miatt hazájában Izlandon történik meg a csúcskísérlet és egy szűk, maximum húsz fős stáb lesz jelen az eseményen.

A két erőemelő viszonya koántsem felhőtlen.

Hall baromságnak tartja, hogy a csúcskísérlet Bjornsson termében, saját súlyaival, saját stába, szponzorai előtt történik majd, és ezt így egyáltalán nem tartja hitelesnek. 

"Halálosan unom, hogy az én nevemmel akarnak nézettséget szerezni a videóiknak. Négy év telt el a rekordom óta, és azóta még megközelíteni sem tudták." – nyilatkozta Eddie Hall.

501kg is coming!! I’m super excited for this opportunity! Unfortunately due to the circumstances regarding Covid19 and the world wide actions being taken to prevent the spread, I will have to attempt this in Iceland and alone besides a small team of under 20 people. I’m excited to announce that in partnership with @worldsultimatestrongman we will be doing this live for you guys at home!! Check out the link in my bio if you want to tune in on May 2nd! . Edit: This will be recognised as a world record as there will be an official/judge there to make the call, and the event will be held to the same high standard that competitions are. I will be making the attempt with a suit, figure 8 straps and a deadlift bar.

60.4k Likes, 1,489 Comments – Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (@thorbjornsson) on Instagram: "501kg is coming!! I’m super excited for this opportunity! Unfortunately due to the circumstances…"


A jelenlegi rekorder Eddie Hall elnézést kért a youtube-on tett kijelentésért, mely szerint nem bízik az izlandiakban. Kifejtette, hogy ez csupán Bjornssonra és stábjára vonatkozott.

‼️PRESS RELEASE ‼️ Firstly & most importantly, I would like to apologise for my comment in a live Youtube Q&A where I said I didn’t trust the Icelandics; LINK IN BIO a very poor choice of words when put on the spot. In reality this couldn’t be further from the truth, I was specifically referring to Thor & his entourage that accompany him to every competition. You’ll not see this from the public’s perspective or on TV, but their attitude & behaviour is generally intimidation & bullying if even the smallest thing doesn’t go Thor’s way. Talk about unsportsmanlike like and unprofessional behaviour, you’ve got it right here. * At WSM 2017 Thor would not accept a certain referees decision on a certain event (Swipe left). He called into disrepute the judging skills of a referee which was then looked at by 3 referees & the decision was given to the legend that is Magnus Ver Magnusson who stood his ground and has since been appointed head referee at WSM, but now Thor will take his word as golden to be the judge at his 501kg deadlift attempt, talk about hypocrisy? He’ll drag his name through mud or place it upon a pedestal to suit his objective. * Because of the malicious rumours Thor & his team started I’ve endured years of people questioning what is the crowning achievement of my career. Well guess what pal, you break my record in your home gym with a bunch of your pals, you’re going to get the same treatment. * Absolutely no legitimate sport would acknowledge World Records broken out of competition & you are undermining the very sport you are claiming to champion. * I genuinely look forward to having my record broken & seeing what is possible. I think you are probably the man to do it, there’s no denying that & I’ll still shake your hand afterwards and say well done… if you do it under the appropriate conditions. For the record I feel the same way about the other "records" that are being attempted, it just doesn’t feel right & there are 1000s of strength fans & athletes that feel the same way. * Break a record in a comp where other people can contest it & no one will have a negative word to say, including myself. #SetAnExample #BackUpYourBull Big Love THE BEAST

155.5k Likes, 4,177 Comments – Eddie hall – The Beast (@eddiehallwsm) on Instagram: "‼️PRESS RELEASE ‼️ Firstly & most importantly, I would like to apologise for my comment in a live…"

Borítókép: Frank Jansky/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images